Sunday, November 9, 2014

What Is TSU? Does It Really Work

What is Tsu?

Sign Up here 

What is Tsu you ask? Well if you’re wondering what the heck this thing is, chances are you were just invited by a friend and want to know more before you jump right into it.

With the likes of Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and now Tsu – it’s safe to say that social networks are here to say. But after Facebook took MySpace off the map, who in their right mind would compete?

Introducing Tsu: The Social Networking Platform That Pays To Be A Part Of (Literally)

The newest addition to the social networking world, Tsu launched on October 14th and has had a solid backing from venture capital company Sancus Capital Prive who invested $7 million. 50 Cent and NBA star Carmelo Anthony even jumped onto the social networking platform and so has the public.

What Makes Tsu Different From Facebook?

To be honest, Facebook is a more established social networking platform but Tsu is different in that it wants to reward users for sharing their platform. They aim to do this by giving you a revenue share from the advertisements they display.

You can join the social media network through a friend or family members unique short code. If you don’t know one, (mine is nickanderson208)

Tsu pays out a whopping 90% to it’s users who are creating content and sharing posts. While the company itself keeps 10% of the total revenue it earns from the display advertisements.

Tsu works a lot like Network Marketing in that it’s referral based and there are levels to their payouts. Except your organization is not called a team, it’s called a “Family Tree.” So let’s say you invite someone to sign up to Tsu. Anyone that creates an account using your unique link will become your “children” and are now a part of your Family Tree. Then when those users refer others to the platform, they will become their children and will be your “grandchildren,” thus expanding the growth of your Family Tree. 

Make sense?

I totally love this concept because you have total control of your network and they want to pay you to grow it! They do this using a unique algorithm that pays out the family tree of children and grandchildren based on tracking and measurement metrics.

Infinite Third Payout (Payout System)

According to their FAQ page, Tsu uses what they call the “rule of infinite thirds” to distribute the revenue generated from user content and then takes it’s 10% cut from the total share.

So let’s say that I created a really awesome video and it got a ton of shares and I made some money, but I joined under you. Well you would earn one-third of the revenue from the video that I made after Tsu has taken their cut. And whomever you joined under, would get a third of a third of that revenue, etc.

If that sounds confusing and you’d like some numbers, let’s use the $500 example. Out of $500 earned on Tsu, $450 would be shared with the users. So let’s assume that there are three users who have shared and re-shared content, the revenue would be distributed like this: I create an awesome video that earns $500, but after Tsu takes their 10% cut the total revenue would be $450 remaining. Which means that I would take 50% of $450 which equals $225 profit. The first user who shared my video would earn one third (33.3%) of the $450, tallying their profit to $149.85. The next user after that who shared the re-shared content, would receive an 11.1% share of the original $450. Their commissions would be $49.95 since their a third of a third, and so on.

The concept of Tsu is very simple and was in fact modeled after YouTube’s revenue share payout. The only difference is that Tsu is a social networking platform that is open to all types of media (pictures, videos, audio, etc).

So instead of getting paid on YouTube for having views, you can get paid on Tsu for having views to the media and content you share. The more engaging your content, the more it gets shared, the more money you make. Of course if you already have a huge following of people who know, like, and trust you – it will be much easier to launch your Tsu earnings.


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